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Spare Parts Suppliers List

Sydney Commercial Kitchens does not supply spare parts.

See the list below to find out the contact details for spare parts for your catering equipment. However, you will have to contact that supplier to obtain your parts.

Our goal is to establish a long term relationship with all of our customers, so please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have. We are here to help!

Once again thank you for visiting our web site.

Supplier: Andi Co

Brands: Liebherr Commercial Equipment, Liebherr Biomedical, Falcon, La Cornue, Barrique

Contact Details:

Andi-Co Australia Pty Ltd

1 Stamford Road
Oakleigh VIC 3166

P: 1800 685 899
E: sales@andico.com.au

Supplier: Arneg

Brands: Arneg, Intrac, Incold, Oscartielle, Frigo Tecnica Internazionale

Contact Details:

Arneg Oceania

8 Stout Road
Mount Druitt NSW 2770

P: 02 8805 3300
E: info@arneg.com.au

Supplier: Birko

Brands: Birko Catering Equipment

Contact Details:

Birko Heaters Australia Pty Ltd

67 Allingham St
Condell Park NSW 2200

P: 1300 724 955
E: sales@birkoheaters.com

Supplier: Boema

Brands: Boema Espresso Machines, Conti, Schaerer, Eureka

Contact Details:

Boema Coffee Machines

Unit 8/1 Cowpasture Place
Wetherill Park NSW 2164

P: 02 9756 4744
E: sales@boema.com.au

Supplier: Brice Slicers

Brands: Brice, Berkel, Avery, OMAS, Edlund

Contact Details:

Brice Australia Pty. Ltd

40 Falcon Street
Crows Nest NSW 2065

P: 03 9888 7125
E: service@bricensw.com.au

Supplier: Bromic Refrigeration

Brands: Bromic, Jordao, Matrix, Simeg, Zanotti

Contact Details:


10 Phiney Place
Ingleburn NSW 2565

P: 1300 276 642
E: refrigeration@bromic.com

Supplier: Classeq

Brands: Classeq Dishwashers & Glasswashers

Contact Details:

Classeq Australia

1/1 Glendenning Road
Glendenning NSW 2761

P: 02 9645 3221
F: aus.service@winterhalter.com.au

Supplier: CMS

Brands: Fracino, Expobar, Wega, Slayer

Contact Details:

Coffee Machine Solutions Pty Ltd

Unit 4/104 Newmarket Road
Windsor QLD 4030

P: 07 3857 0300

Supplier: Coast

Brands: Ice-O-Matic, Follett, Grant, Coast, Ezi-Ice, Staff, Desmon Scientific, Zerica, HyGenikx

Contact Details:

Coast Distributors

12 Brady Street
Berkeley NSW 2506

P: 1800 957 508

Supplier: Comcater

Brands: Rational, Cambro, Antunes, Alto-Shaam, Cleveland, Comenda, Dean, True Heat, Menumaster, Hupfer, Lincoln, Bream, Garland, Mareno, Tecnomac, PureVac, Mibrasa, Frymaster, Joni, Vitamix Commercial, Merco, Pacojet

Contact Details:


156 Swann Drive
Derrimut VIC 3030

P: 1800 035 327
E: spares@comcater.com.au | contactus@comcater.com.au

Supplier: Cossiga

Brands: Cossiga

Contact Details:


347 Church Street
Penrose Auckland 1061

P: 1300 099 215

Supplier: Electrolux Professional

Brands: Electrolux

Contact Details:

Electrolux Professional

5-7 Keith Campbell Court
Scoresby VIC 3179

P: 1300 888 948 / 1300 368 299

Supplier: Exquisite Marketing Australia

Brands: Exquisite

Contact Details:

Exquisite Marketing Australia Pty Ltd

5/6 Garden Road
Clayton VIC 3168

P: 03 9561 1595
E: sales@exquisiteaust.com

Supplier: Fagor

Brands: Fagor Industrial

Contact Details:

Federal Hospitality Equipment

3B/400 Moorebank Avenue
Moorebank NSW 2170

P: 1300 659 409
E: service@fedservices.com.au | spares@fedservices.com.au

Supplier: FED (Federal Hospitality Equipment)

Brands: Axwood, BakerMax, Benchstar, Bezzera, Blizzard, Bonvue, Complete, Convectmax, Dito Sama, Electmax, FED, Fagor, Frymax, Gasmax, Grand, Italia Cool, Kingo, Matador, Modular Systems, Primax, Prismafood, Prometek, Thermaster, Tyrone, Vacpac, Yasaki, Werzalit, FED-X, Tecnodom, Pudu, Kreme Dispense, Barista Progear

Contact Details:

FED (Federal Hospitality Equipment)

3B, 400 Moorebank Avenue
Moorebank NSW 2170

P: 1300 887 055
E: service@fedservices.com.au | spares@fedservices.com.au

Supplier: FPG

Brands: FPG Food Displays

Contact Details:

FPG Global

PO Box 401
VIC 3207

P: 1800 813 745
E: ausales@fpgworld.com

Supplier: Franchise Fitout Services (Blendtec Australia Pty Ltd)

Brands: Blendtec Home

Contact Details:

Blendtec Australia Pty Ltd

41 Standish Street
Salisbury QLD 4107

P: 1300 556 117
E: admin@franchisefitout.com

Supplier: Fridge Seal

Brands: Fridge-Seal has been manufacturing, supplying and installing fridge and freezer seals for over 35 years.

Contact Details:

Fridge Seal

11/5 Kelletts Road
Rowville VIC 3178

P: 03 9555 0977
F: 03 9553 1032
E: info@fridge seal.com.au

Supplier: F.S.M.

Brands: Acqua Line, Asahi, Atlas, Bonn, Carlisle, Dinex, Duke, Dynamic, Edlund, Emainox, FSM, GBG, General, Hatco, IMC, Jack Stack, Jet Spray, Jet Stream, Ovention, Perlick, Prince Castle, Rotor, Rowlett Rutland, San Jamar, Vito, Yellow Induction, Yellow Mixers, Yellow Table, Yellow Tapware

Contact Details:

FSM Head Office

21-23 Agosta Drive
Laverton North VIC 3026

P: 03 8645 2555
F: 03 8645 2565
E: sales@fsm-pl.com.au

Supplier: Global

Brands: Avancini, Baktec, Besco, Biro, Bizerba, CTB, Erika Record, GFE, JAC, Komet, Nuttall, Panem, Revent, Ubert, Visel, VMI, Wiesheu

Contact Details:

Global Food Equipment

16 Prime Drive
Seven Hills NSW 2147

P: 1300 627 627
E: spareparts@globalfoodequipment.com.au | service@globalfoodequipment.com.au

Supplier: Hobart Food Equipment

Brands: Hobart

Contact Details:

Hobart Food Equipment

Unit 1 / 2 Picken Street
Silverwater NSW 2128

P: 1800 462 278

Supplier: Hoshizaki

Brands: Hoshizaki Ice Makers, Hoshizaki Refrigeration

Contact Details:

Hoshizaki Lancer Worldwide

1/52 Holker Street
Silverwater NSW 2128

P: 02 9741 9700
E: info@lancerbeverage.com

Supplier: Hycom

Brands: Sam4, CAS, Acom, Ishida,

Contact Details:

Hycom Equipment

Unit 3, 21 Resolution Drive (Behind Goodbuddy Sports)
Caringbah NSW 2229

P: 02 9540 1888
E: hycom@ozemail.com.au

Supplier: ICE (International Catering Equipment)

Brands: Adler, Anvil, Best Whip, Butcherquip, Ceado, Everlasting, Glacian, Hamilton Beach, Inomak, Kisag, Mecnosud, Musso, Nemco, Orved, Saltas, Sayl, Skymsen, Status, Technocrio, Tre Spade, Vitras

Contact Details:


Unit B2, 6-10 Durdans Avenue
Rosebery NSW 2018

P: 02 8372 0800
E: info@internationalcatering.com.au

Supplier: ICS Pacific

Brands: ICS Pacific, Globalcof

Contact Details:

ICS Pacific

31 Healey Road
Dandenong South Victoria 3175

P: 03 9706 5115
E: info@icspacific.com.au

Supplier: J.L. Lennard

Brands: Pod Pack, Ayr King, Pratica Technicook, Somerset, QualityFry S.L., Retigo, Henny Penny, Frigomat, Taylor, XLT

Contact Details:

J.L. Lennard

42 Giffard Street
Silverwater NSW 2128

P: 02 9475 9000
E: sydney@jllennard.com.au

Supplier: Mantova

Brands: Mantova Shelving

Contact Details:

Mantova Shelving Systems

3 Enterprise Circuit
Prestons NSW 2170

P: 02 8783 0744
E: sales@mantova.com.au

Supplier: Middleby Australia

Brands: Goldstein, Eswood, Turbochef, Houno, Middleby Marshall, Pitco, MagiKitch'n, Nieco, Carter-Hoffmann, Nu-Vu, Mercury

Contact Details:

Middleby Australia

211-217 Woodpark Road
Smithfield NSW 2164

P: 1800 013 123
E: sales@middleby.com.au

Supplier: MKA (now Skanos Pty Ltd)

Brands: Gram Refrigeration, Jeros, PizzaMaster, ScanBox, StackMaster, Thermodyne, JoniFoodline

Contact Details:

Maurice Kemp & Associates

Unit 1, Ground Level, 1-7 Airds Road
Minto NSW 2566

P: 02 9748 6244
E: admin@skanos.com.au

Supplier: Moffat

Brands: Waldorf, Waldorf Bold, Blue Seal, Cobra, Fastfri, Turbofan, Convotherm, Blue Seal Sapiens, Merry Chef, Washtech, Friginox, Rieber, Crown, Metos, Varimixer, Paramount, Rotel, Craftsman, Daub, Moffat, Pani Clima, Rondo, Tagliavini, Sottoriva, Rapidmsc, OEM, Artezen, Ciberpan, Flamic, Mimac, Spiroforce, Thermogel, Scotsman, Wexiodisk, Rendisk, Stm, Aladdin Temp-Rite, Burlodge, SDX Thermobox, Poliware, Rancilio

Contact Details:

Moffat Australia

C/10, 16 South Street
Rydalmere NSW 2116

P: 1300 264 217
E: nswsales@moffat.com.au

Supplier: Nisbets

Brands: Apuro, Bolero, Buffalo, Polar, Thor

Contact Details:

Nisbets Australia

15 Badgally Road
Campbelltown NSW 2560

P: 1300 225 960
E: sales@nisbets.com.au

Supplier: Nutrifaster

Brands: Nutrifaster, Ruby, Blendtec Commercial, Zumex, Cofrimell, Desmon

Contact Details:

Nutrifaster Australia Pty Ltd

7/62 66 Newton Road
Wetherill Park NSW 2164

P: 02 9729 2011
E: info@nutrifaster.com.au

Supplier: Roband

Brands: Roband, AustHeat, Robatherm, Vitamix, NOAW, Forje, Robinox, Robalec, Dipo, Hallde, Autofry

Contact Details:

Roband Australia Pty Ltd

1 Inman Road
Cromer NSW 2099

P: 1800 268 848
E: spares@roband.com.au | warranty@roband.com.au

Supplier: Robot Coupe

Brands: Robot Coupe

Contact Details:

Robot-Coupe Australia / New Zealand

3/43 Herbert Street
Artarmon NSW 2064

P: 02 9478 0300 / 02 9460 7972
E: info@robotcoupe.com.au

Supplier: Roller Grill

Brands: Roller Grill

Contact Details:

Roller Grill Australia

PO Box 808
Miranda NSW 1490

P: 02 9524 3355
E: service@rollergrill.com.au

Supplier: Safco

Brands: Cooper-Atkins, Dispense-Rite, Eurowash, Ez-shelving, FIFO Bottle, LightFry, Prince Castle, Rubbermaid, Server, Sirman, Sonoco, SpeedHeat by Sterno, SYR Commercial Cleaning, Waring, Winston

Contact Details:

Safco Australia P/L

7 Binary Street
Yatala QLD 4207

P: 1800 472 326
E: sales@safcoaustralia.com.au

Supplier: Scots Ice

Brands: Baron, Icematic, Lainox, Eloma, Firex, Polaris, Dihr, Moduline, Lotus

Contact Details:

Scots Ice Australia

5/175 James Ruse Drive
Rosehill NSW 2142

P: 1800 222 460
F: +61 02 9637 7944
E: info@scotsice.com.au

Supplier: Semak

Brands: Semak, Golden Tandoors, Daimond, Berjaya, Artemis, Frucosol, Inoxtrend, Zumex

Contact Details:

Semak Australia

18/87 91 Hallam South Road
Hallam VIC 3803

P: 03 9796 4583
E: info@semak.com.au

Supplier: Silex Grills

Brands: Silex

Contact Details:

Silex Grills Australia

64 Chapel Street
Marrickville NSW 2204

P: 02 9516 5888
E: admin@silexaustralia.com.au

Supplier: Skope

Brands: Skope, ITV, Irinox

Contact Details:

SKOPE Australia Pty Limited

57 Princess Street
Riccarton Christchurch 8041

P: 1800 121 535
E: skope@skope.com

Supplier: Stoddart

Brands: Adande, Airex, American Range, Anets, Asado, CookTek, Culinaire, Giorik, Halton, Metro, Simply Stainless, Stoddart Plumbing, Synergy, Woodson

Contact Details:

Stoddart Food Service Equipment

39 Forest Way
Karawatha QLD 4117

P: 1300 307 289
E: spares@stoddart.com.au | service@stoddart.com.au

Supplier: The Good Lady

Brands: Bernardi, GAM, Gresilva, Sirman, Schitzel Master, Star Progetti, Yazicilar, Zanolli

Contact Details:

The Good Lady

Unit 5/14-38 Bellona Avenue
Regents Park NSW 2143

P: 1800 183 818

Supplier: True Refrigeration

Brands: True Refrigeration

Contact Details:

True Food International Australia Pty Ltd

P: +61 2 9618 9999
F: 02 9218 4511
E: service-aus@truemfg.com

Supplier: Unox

Brands: Unox Ovens

Contact Details:

Unox Australia

Unit 7/100 New Street
Ringwood VIC 3134

P: 03 9876 0803
E: info@unoxaustralia.com.au

Supplier: Williams

Brands: Williams

Contact Details:

Williams Refrigeration

38 42 Gaine Road
Dandenong South VIC 3175

P: 03 8787 4747
E: sales@williamsref.com.au

Supplier: Winterhalter

Brands: Winterhalter Dishwashers, Winterhalter Glass washers

Contact Details:

Winterhalter Australia

1/1 Glendenning Road
Glendenning NSW 2761

P: 02 9645 3221
E: aus.service@winterhalter.com.au