What Cafe & Bistro Owners Need to Know About Local SEO


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What Cafe & Bistro Owners Need to Know About Local SEO

As a business owner, you have most likely heard of search engine optimization (SEO), but have you heard of local SEO?

Local SEO is a strategy you can employ to help your restaurant show up in local search results. This is most important for restaurant owners because your target is people in your local geographic area.

Let’s look at what café and bistro owners need to know about local SEO. 

Leverage Your Google Business Profile

If you don’t currently have a Google business page for your restaurant, you need to do this as soon as possible as it’s vital for your local SEO. It’s key to maximizing visibility for your café or bistro. 

Having a Google Business Profile also ensures that you’ll show up on Google Maps and search results. If you have a profile, you may show up three times on search engine results pages. First, if you’re using Google Ads, your ad shows up. Next, you may show up in organic search results, and you may show up in the Google Maps section.  

Consider this the trifecta for local SEO. Google Ads dominate the top spaces, and your Google Business Profile gains local traction, while your organic search drives traffic to your website.  

What Cafe & Bistro Owners Need to Know About Local SEO

What Cafe & Bistro Owners Need to Know About Local SEO Original story and image on Restaurant Engine

How to Make Your Restaurant More Efficient  Original story and image on Next Restaurants

How to Make Your Restaurant More Efficient 

Running a restaurant involves a lot of moving parts. It can be difficult to stay on top of everything, let alone make sure you’re optimized to run as efficiently as possible. But that’s why it’s so important to run an efficient restaurant—because things can get so unwieldy so quickly. 

Restaurant efficiency is about more than just doing things as quickly as possible. It’s about intentionally running your business and setting up workflows to optimize for speed, cost, and profitability all at the same time. Here’s how you can improve your eatery’s efficiency in an effort to win more customers and boost profitability: 

Why Does Restaurant Efficiency Matter?

How to Make Your Restaurant More Efficient 

Embracing Hyperlocal Ingredients: Transforming Menus and Communities

Buying locally has been trending for quite a few years for several reasons. People have become increasingly aware of climate change and the importance of ethical sourcing. Consumers want to support their communities, and do so by attending and buying from family owned businesses, art fairs, and local brands. Their desire to shop local has extended to farmers markets and the food industry. They are aware that some parts of the food industry have unsavory processes and practices; consumers like knowing what’s in their food and where it is coming from. Some restaurants are expanding on this trend by using hyperlocal ingredients.

What is hyperlocal? Hyperlocal means most or all ingredients are grown or raised by the restaurant itself. What they cannot produce themselves, they source locally. The result is a unique culinary experience that features unmatched freshness and innovative and educational menus, with a strong emphasis on sustainability. 

Embracing Hyperlocal Ingredients: Transforming Menus and Communities

Embracing Hyperlocal Ingredients: Transforming Menus and Communities Original story and image on Modern Restaurant Management

How to Have an Innovative Idea: Three Simple Steps Original story and image on Jeremy Utley Design

How to Have an Innovative Idea: Three Simple Steps

Quick: come up with an innovative idea!

If you’re anything like the thousands of professionals and graduate students I’ve coached over the last fifteen years, panic alarms just went off.

“You can’t just do that,” you might think. “Innovation doesn’t obey instructions – or follow rules.”

But the truth is, the creative process is hardly a mystery – in fact, it can be broken down into three simple steps.

Step 1: Make a bug list

It’s a common misconception that ideas come from nowhere, pouncing on unsuspecting ideators unannounced. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Brilliant ideas come to those who have developed something of an obsession for a particular problem, and so the question begs to be asked: “What’s your problem?”

The simple way to discover your problem is the aforementioned bug list. I’m not referring to errors in lines of code. This is an assignment we’ve been giving students at Stanford since the 1960s, long before computer programming entered common parlance. 

Essentially, a bug list is a running list of things that “bug” you. That’s how Lorraine Sarayeldin stumbled upon the initial spark for what would become her food business, Pom Pom Paddock. She became obsessively attuned to the things that annoyed her – like, for example, making cauliflower rice by hand for every meal.

How to Have an Innovative Idea: Three Simple Steps

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