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Virtual restaurants are evolving

Virtual Restaurants Are Evolving Beyond the Need for Aggregators

Original story and image on pymnts.com

Virtual Restaurants Are Evolving Beyond the Need for Aggregators

The virtual delivery-only restaurant model may have been made possible in large part by aggregators, whose marketplaces made it possible for restaurants to develop a customer base without a physical storefront.

However, as digital marketing tools have grown more sophisticated, virtual restaurants are growing increasingly able to build their own relationships with consumers through direct ordering channels.

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6-point plan to support businesses through Omicron

Original story and image on miragenews.com

6-point plan to support businesses through Omicron

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA), Restaurant & Catering Australia (R&CA) and the Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF) said devastating Omicron impacts have struck whilst there is almost no government support.

Ongoing supply chain challenges, a record low in consumer confidence and up to 50% of workers going into isolation during January have forced forcing many businesses to close or limit their trading hours.

The groups have called on government to commit to six immediate areas of focus to support business during this time.

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Why Data Science Is More Important Than Ever

Original story and image on modernrestaurantmanagement.com

Why Data Science Is More Important Than Ever

It goes without saying that our industry has been one of the most impacted industries worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic as it fundamentally squeezed from four directions at once.

The supply chain issues that have intermittently plagued other industries have also left restaurants scrambling, with everything from to-go cups to chicken wings going missing, often without warning and sometimes for weeks or months on end.

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Importance of Restaurant Marketing Agency

Original story and image on renewsindustry.com

Importance of Restaurant Marketing Agency

Restaurants need to encompass considerable marketing avenues for the sake of success. Without publicity and marketing, there are chances that the restaurant may not survive in the market.

With thorough planning and enactment, the restaurant’s promotion can grab the customer’s attention just like that agency.

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