Strategies for Seamless Kitchen Moves: Relocating Your Commercial Kitchen With Ease
Original story and image on Total Food
Strategies for Seamless Kitchen Moves: Relocating Your Commercial Kitchen With Ease
After months (or maybe even years) of searching, you’ve finally chosen the perfect space to relocate your restaurant!
You’re excited to take your business to the next level. However, you’re probably also feeling stressed about transferring your equipment and ingredients from one commercial kitchen to another.
Not only do you have to worry about moving high-value and fragile items, but you also have to find a way to streamline the move so it doesn’t interfere with your business operations.
This guide features practical strategies you can use to simplify the moving process and relocating your commercial kitchen with ease.

Original story and image on Forbes
How Small Businesses Are Spending Their Marketing Dollars In 2024
It’s hard to overstate how broad the marketing strategies of small businesses have become. Before the Internet, small companies relied on print and traditional media advertisements, cold calling, and tight business networks. Even landing space in the Yellow Pages was considered an effective marketing move.
Today’s marketing options are much more extensive, and small businesses are increasing how much they spend on them. According to a recent Taradel marketing survey, 94% of small businesses have plans to boost their marketing spending in 2024.
How Small Businesses Are Spending Their Marketing Dollars In 2024

Original story and image on Modern Restaurant Management
LSM in Action: A Restaurant Brand’s Secret Weapon
Ray Kroc, McDonald’s Founder/Fast Food Innovator, said it best, “Look after the customer and the business will take care of itself.”
This business is all about people. You have to be able to adapt, evolve and ignite areas of the business with customers always being at the forefront of decisions being made. Engaging with customers on a local level is crucial for achieving long-term success, especially in a customer-driven competitive market. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize customer satisfaction and build relationships with the community to thrive in this industry. By connecting with customers on a personal level through face-to-face interactions, personalized experiences, and uniquely valuable touch points through online tactics, you build a solid base for brand trust and credibility.

Original story and image on FSR Magazine
How to Best Prevent Fires Within Your Restaurant
As a result of the Great Chicago Fire that killed 250 people in 1871, the National Fire Protection Association has declared the public observance of Fire Prevention Week since 1922, marking more than 100 years this year of the public observance. The holiday was later cemented by President Coolidge, marking the longest-running public health and safety observance on record.
Society Insurance has been working alongside business owners for more than a century, seeing first-hand the devastating effects a fire can have on the establishments that make communities great. Fire departments across America responded to an average of 8,240 structure fires at eating and drinking establishments every year between 2012 and 2016
Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table
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