Standing out from the crowd
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Make Your Restaurant Stand Out With These 6 Design Trends
Restaurants must stand out to remain competitive in today’s consumer markets, but many high-end restaurants require similar layouts and functionalities to stay operational.
It’s the skill of a creative and innovative restaurateur to create a unique space that stands out and helps create a whole new atmosphere that will keep your customers returning and spreading the word about your spot.
If you’re looking for ways to make your restaurant stand out, here are a few design trends and tips to help turn your eatery into a destination.

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Marketing automation for restaurants is a game changer
Marketing automation for restaurants is a hot topic right now. Restaurants are looking for ways to improve their marketing results, and marketing automation seems like the answer.
Marketing automation can help restaurants save time and money while improving their marketing results.
But what is marketing automation, and how does it work? This article will explain all that you need to know about marketing automation for restaurants.

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What if your restaurant (or business) is threatened with a one-star Google review?
No matter how impeccable service a restaurant provides, chances are it will still receive negative online reviews from time to time.
Recently, some top-rated restaurants in San Francisco and New York, including those with Michelin stars, began receiving a blitz of one-star ratings on Google with no description or photos.
The owners believed those leaving one-star ratings had never dined in their establishments.
Moreover, soon after the reviews, they all received emails from the reviewers who claimed the responsibility.

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The Art of Inflation Communication with Restaurant Customers
Nearly every industry has been impacted by inflation. And restaurant prices have had the largest gains since the 1980s, reflecting higher costs for food and labor.
Retaining loyal customers and recapturing their purchasing power once their budget can afford it, or prices return to lower levels, is reliant on restaurant brands having open and transparent communication with customers during inflation.
While no one enjoys paying more for goods and services, it is something everyone is being impacted by, creating a universal understanding and acceptance that prices must go up.
Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table
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