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Robotic Uprising

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Kitchen Robotics?

Original story and image on qsrmagazine.com

Kitchen Robotics?

Will a Restaurant Labor Shortage Usher in an Era of Robotics? Thanks to COVID, the industry might just be on the cusp of widespread automation.

The use of robotics and automation in the service industry has been floated around as a possibility for years.

Miso Robotics is the company behind “Flippy,” an automated robotic arm working the fryer at select White Castle locations.

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Bellabot Premium Delivery Robot

Original story and image on pudurobotics.com

Bellabot Premium Delivery Robot

Let the robot deliver the food and let your staff focus on customers. Upgrade table service now! Pudu Robotics offers smart delivery solution to various clients globally.

Already in over 60 countries, a Bellabot robotic assistant can work 24/7 and make table deliveries more than 400 times.

What Can BellaBot Do?

5 Hours Fully Charged service time
Cut Down Running Costs
Improve Customer Service Efficiency
Increase Restaurant Traffic

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Implement Compelling Marketing Ideas to Drive Traffic and Boost Sales

Original story and image on modernrestaurantmanagement.com

Implement Compelling Marketing Ideas to Drive Traffic and Boost Sales

While the past two years have been a challenging time in the restaurant industry, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for restaurant owners. Falling Covid-19 numbers and the lifting of mask mandates in many cities is helping give restaurateurs hope for increased traffic this holiday season.

With all the challenges on your plate, implementing a robust marketing plan might not be on your radar. However, taking steps to increase your loyal customer base will ensure your restaurant flourishes during this difficult season. Here are a few unique marketing ideas designed to boost customer traffic and develop loyal customers.

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62% of consumers want restaurant gift card for holidays,

Original story and image on restaurantdive.com

62% of consumers want restaurant gift card for holidays,

Sixty-two percent of consumers hope to receive a restaurant gift card for the holidays, according to new research from the National Restaurant Association. Of those consumers, 62% want a gift card to their favorite restaurant, while 20% want to try a new spot.

About one-quarter of consumers said they would use a gift card as soon as possible, while 38% said they would use it within a few weeks and another 38% said they would save it for a special occasion.

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Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

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