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Roast Chickens can grow your business!


Roast Chicken is a Family Favourite Like coffee espresso machines which can be a huge profit maker for any business, adding roast chicken to your menu usually leads to good profits. Below are 2 different styles of cooking equipment that would produce excellent results that will be appreciated by both your customers and your bank balance.

Roband R10 Chicken Rotisserie

The Roband rotisserie has the capacity to cook up to ten size 18 chickens at once and is the ideal solution for small to medium sized chicken outlets. The spit type rotisserie action ensures an evenly cooked product with minimum shrinkage and weight loss. The Roband R10 is fast, the Thermo-reflective element technology cooks chickens even faster while keeping them moist. Use one or both depending on your demand for efficiency. The separate spit controls allow single spit operation in quiet periods to cut power consumption. The Roband R10 Rotisseries is easy to clean, with removable doors, front glass and large grease drawer. Product ...

Unox Cheftop Combi Ovens

Unox have a dedicated program available for their combi ovens for every size of chicken available. This can be easily uploaded into your programs, along with the best programs for roasting a variety of vegetables to sell with your roast chicken as a complete 'meal to go'. Just ask the Unoz Training Chef, it will only take him a matter of minutes to load these in to your new Unox Combi Oven. Once you select the correct cooking program and press start, the combi oven automatically goes in to pre-heat mode, to bring the oven up to an appropriate temperature for the selected cooking program. This includes adding additional temperature to allow for heat loss while loading the oven with product. While the oven is pre-heating, this is an ideal time to prepare the chickens for putting in to the oven. Unox Cheftop ...

Chicken Grid Accessories

Unox also have a couple of chicken racks as accessories designed to help. The UNOX GRP 825 Pollo Stainless Steel Grid for Grilling 8 Chickens. The chickens are cooked in an upright position. The UNOX GRP 840 Pollo Grill Stainless Steel Grid for Grilling 3 Open Chickens which is ideal for doing Portugese style chickens. Accessories ...

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