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Restaurant Relief


Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

This week's fresh serve of news from the Catering and Restaurant Industry. Keep up-to-date with the latest in Catering Equipment & Restaurant Equipment, Food Trends & Business Tips from around the web.

Uber Eats announces 'restaurant relief'

Uber Eats has announced a range of initiatives for Australian and New Zealand restaurants. The food delivery platform says it plans to help the sector during the COVID-19 crisis and has put measures in place that are designed to assist operators. In part, venues will now be able to receive daily payments instead of weekly payments and the platform will no longer charge fees for pick-up orders until 30 June. Read more ... Original story and image on hospitalitymagazine.com.au Original story and image on vinepair.com

The Changing Role

of Restaurant and Bar PR In a Time of Social Distancing There are more than 1 million restaurants in the U.S., employing an estimated 15.6 million people, according to the National Restaurant Association. The number of bars and drinking establishments, meanwhile, sits at over 60,000, with close to 350,000 working in the sector, per Statista data. By midweek, a sizable proportion of that population had lost their jobs, after bars and restaurants across the country were shuttered or had their operations severely curtailed. Read more ...

Australia prepares to limit big pub, restaurant gatherings

Australia is preparing to follow the United States in restricting non-essential gatherings in pubs, cinemas and restaurants on a city-by-city basis as the number of local coronavirus cases moves towards 500. NSW and Victoria are set to be given powers to contain the spread of the virus by limiting gatherings of more than 100 people. The national cabinet, which is made up of Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the state and territory leaders, is likely to give enforcement powers to the states rather than impose an Australia-wide ban. Read more ... Original story and image on smh.com.au Original story and image on rca.asn.au

Coronavirus information hub

Restaurant & Catering Australia (R&CA) has created a coronavirus information hub to keep business owners updated during the coronavirus outbreak. This includes: Links to relevant federal and state government health alerts Updated news relating to the coronavirus Fact Sheets and Templates Workplace Relations FAQs for business Coronavirus information and support for business government assistance Read more ...

Your Commercial Kitchens Trilogy Webinar...

Using A Combi Oven, Vacuum Sealer & Blast Chiller Will Change The Way You Cook ... Watch this webinar to find out why ... Register here

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