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Marketing Your Restaurant For Private Events

Marketing Your Restaurant for Private Events

Original story and image on Next Restaurants

Marketing Your Restaurant for Private Events

There’s no question that these last few years have been deeply challenging for business owners. Even the most successful and experienced entrepreneurs have struggled to keep their businesses afloat in the face of a massive global health crisis, widespread civil unrest, catastrophic supply chain disruptions, and seemingly endless economic volatility.

Of all the industries to have been touched by this cascade of events, however, few have been as deeply impacted as the restaurant industry. Today, though, as the world begins to re-emerge into a new, post-pandemic “normal,” restaurateurs are looking for innovative ways not just to survive, but to thrive, as they start to recover.

Private Events For Resturants

How Restaurants Can Successfully Adopt Smart Kitchen Technology

Original story and image on Forbes

How Restaurants Can Successfully Adopt Smart Kitchen Technology

The food industry has always been driven by the constant pursuit of efficiency and quality, and the rise of technology has only accelerated this trend. But even amid all the innovations and experimentation, there is one quality every restaurant strives for: consistency.

Every time a customer walks through a restaurant’s door, they expect the same flavors and quality, regardless of location. With the latest advancements in smart kitchen technology, restaurants are finding ways to streamline the cooking process and ensure the future of fast food is a seamless blend of human ingenuity and cutting-edge technology.

Successfully Adopt Smart Kitchen Technology

Build a Loyal Customer Base by Offering Freebies

Original story and image on Modern Restaurant Management

Build a Loyal Customer Base by Offering Freebies

A 10-percent discount for a local restaurant is of course appreciated, but when looking to grab the attention of new customers – offering free food via direct mail has proven to be a more effective strategy.

Benefits of Freebies

Everyone enjoys getting things for free. Whether it’s a side of fries, a bread basket, or a birthday dinner, the psychology of freebies is innate. Free food leverages the principle of reciprocity: when someone gives you something, you usually feel obligated to provide a benefit in return. 

Build a Loyal Customer Base

Alcohol Purchasing Trends Are Changing — Here’s What The Numbers Say

Original story and image on Restaurant Drive

Alcohol Purchasing Trends Are Changing — Here’s What The Numbers Say

As consumers increasingly opt for at-home drinking, many are leaning toward experimentation and more sophisticated nonalcoholic options.

Despite the reopening of bars and restaurants in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, at-home drinking is on the rise, while on-premise consumption continues to fall. The trends suggest the alcohol market is still shifting in ways both related and not to the pandemic, with other factors like inflation proving impactful, according to a new report by Kantar. 

Alcohol Purchasing Trends Are Changing

Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

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