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Making a List. Checking it twice.


Making a List. Checking it twice. Are you planning to set up a commercial kitchen? That's great... but where do you start? One of the more daunting tasks when establishing your new hospitality outlet is selecting the correct equipment. With so much choice out there and much of the equipment serving multiple purposes it could be easy to overlook ordering something.

Here is a great starting point.

1. Have you planned your menu? The menu will give you an idea of what equipment will be required to do your cooking. 2. Have you designed your kitchen? When designing your kitchen you need to understand the flow of both food and work processes and then incorporate what you have learned into the design.

Some more things to think about:

• How many people will your food business cater for at a time? • Who is your clientele, and what will their expectations and needs be? • Is there a theme or design that you need to work with when making your decisions? • What is your budget? • What are your time frames?

The equipment requirements for a restaurant differ from restaurant to restaurant.

Having worked in a multitude of kitchens I can safely say that not all are designed the same way. Different cuisines have different requirements. At SCK, we love helping our customers and that is why we have developed the Kitchen Equipment Planning Guide to make this part of your overall plan much easier to do.

Free Kitchen Equipment Checklist

Where to start when deciding on equipment for your food business ... Why ‘Work Flow’ and ‘Food Flow’ are an important consideration in deciding on your equipment ... Plus a printable list so that you can record what you decide upon ... Get the Free Guide [ Call SCK](tel:1300 881119)

Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

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