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Make your menu do more

Your Menu is Your Best Marketing Tool—Here’s How to Use It

Original story and image on qsrmagazine.com

Your Menu is Your Best Marketing Tool—Here’s How to Use It

Restaurant menus are so much more than just lists of dishes—they inspire people. They speak to customers. Historically, though, restaurateurs used menus to show offerings without much thought about how they presented dishes or represented restaurants. With the advent and proliferation of digital menus, restaurant owners and managers now have a chance to use menus as something more than straight-up instructional documents.

Food choices are based on many factors. With digital menus, restaurateurs have more opportunities to analyze and adjust menu items by seeing what sells, testing item placement, and pushing menu items that are more profitable or popular than others. It’s all about being curious and looking at the data, taking an inquisitive approach to finding out what people are purchasing and why.

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The future of Aussie restaurants is omnichannel, automated and local

Original story and image on smartcompany.com.au

The future of Aussie restaurants is omnichannel, automated and local

We all know the story of the hospitality industry over the past two years: once-thriving restaurants, bars and cafes — businesses that punched above their weight on the global scene — were forced to shut their doors and fought to survive. 

But among the chaos, and in true Aussie fashion, we also saw the resilient and innovative best of the industry. This transformation is marked by a tremendous shift: restaurant owners turned to technology to ensure survival — and in many cases, to find better ways to build and safeguard their future.

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Hospitality Marketing Tips For Your Restaurant Business

Original story and image on feast-magazine.co.uk

Hospitality Marketing Tips For Your Restaurant Business

If you’ve been in the restaurant business for any length of time, you’ll know just how crowded and competitive the hospitality sector can be. 

The good news is that a considered and creative approach to marketing can really help your business to stand out from the crowd, so that you connect with the kind of customers you want to see walking into your restaurant on a regular basis. 

With the increasing challenges of recent years, it’s become more important than ever to be proactive with marketing any kind of hospitality business. 

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Five Reasons Why QR Code Menus Aren’t Going Away

Original story and image on modernrestaurantmanagement.com

Five Reasons Why QR Code Menus Aren’t Going Away

Restaurant customers do everything from their phones. They may have discovered you from an Eater article, booked their reservation through OpenTable, or located you via Google Maps, and they will surely review their experience on Yelp — whether positive or negative — when their meal is complete. 

It’s not shocking that many restaurants are keeping with the COVID-bred tradition of QR code menus. It’s been reported that 35 percent of 18- to 25 year-olds keep their phones by their side during every meal. Regardless of whether this is proper dinnertime etiquette, the truth is that most people can pull out their smartphone to read through your menu just as easily as perusing a physical menu.

Here are five reasons why you should stick with QR code menus instead of pulling those plastic menus out of storage.

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