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Kids menu's don't have to suck


Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

This week's fresh serve of news from around the Catering & Restaurant Industry.Keep up-to-date with the latest in Catering Equipment & Restaurant Equipment, Food Trends & Business Tips from around the web.

Sample of Kid Friendly Restaurant Menu

Kids menu's are basically the same every where you eat out. Pizza, Fish & Chips, Burger & Chips, Chicken Nuggets & Chips and Mac & Cheese. It doesn't have to be like that!To help you revamp your own kids menu, here is a kid-friendly restaurant menu that balances popular kids' foods with nutritious alternatives that parents will appreciate.Why not really make your children's menu stand out?Image shows a Holiday Inn Australia kids menu, with plenty of variety and includes some nutritious offerings. Well done Holiday Inn! Read more ...Original story on thebalancesmb.comOriginal story on abc.net.au

Photographing your food? Here's how to do it better

The food photos we share on social media show us new places to eat, tip us off to great recipes, and give us a glimpse into each other's lives.As part of the ABC's 7 Tips series, where passionate folks help you learn something new (or lift your game), here are Megan's tips for taking a food photo you'll be proud to share.Read more ...

Restaurant lobby concedes widespread underpayment problems

Australia’s restaurant lobby is working with the workplace watchdog to tackle what industry leaders now concede is a widespread and even epidemic underpayment problem in the nation’s eateries.Restaurant & Catering Australia chief executive Juliana Payne said it was now clear the underpayment problem was wider than isolated cases.Read more ...Original story on smh.com.auOriginal story on smh.com.au

Are we all prepared to pay the price for proper wages?

From tiny corner cafes to the largest, high-end restaurants, exploitation including underpayment and dangerously long hours, are rife and, arguably, at unprecedented levels.A 2015 report by watchdog the Fair Work Ombudsman, found about half of all restaurants and cafes audited did not pay legal rates.In July this year the Ombudsman reported that 70 percent of businesses inspected on Glebe Point Road in Glebe, Sydney, did not comply with workplace laws.Read more ...

Your Commercial Kitchens Trilogy Webinar...

Using A Combi Oven, Vacuum Sealer & Blast Chiller Will Change The Way You Cook ...Watch this webinar to find out why ...Register here

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