They May Look Like R2D2's Cousins, But They Sure Divide Rolls With Ease ... Source - Dinner Rolls- // I went to a friend's house for dinner last night. A giant blob of dough was sitting on his granite kitchen bench. My friend is going through a "do it yourself" cooking phase, so of course he's going to make his own bread rolls. So while standing around the island bench, he pulls out his digital scale. Then he sprinkles flour across the bench. With a look of determination, he grabs a blade-like implement and chops off a portion of dough & drops it on the scale. He's gazing at the flickering display hoping he reached some magical number. As the numbers flicker on the screen, he looks disappointed. Snatching the dough, he hacks off a small section. He studies his handiwork, then decides to trim a tiny bit more. He places the dough on the scale and now he's grinning like a Cheshire Cat. He delicately takes the prize dough and puts it aside. Now he takes a look at the perfect piece of dough and tries to replicate it. A nip and tuck here and there and he nails the next piece of dough. He seems to be getting the hang of it now. He's slowly building some momentum, like a production line. There's now a growing pile of bread roll dough ... 5, 6, 7, 8, all going well. He's going for 9 and he’s getting cocky. Uh oh! Looks like over confidence has got the better of him. It's under weight. So now he's desparlately trying to add extra dough. On my count, he needs to do this another 7 times (his goal is 16 rolls). I'm starting to lose interest because it has just dawned on me that he still has to cook these bread rolls. Then he launches into a monologue explaining how an old Italian baker taught him this technique. “This is exactly how the professionals prepare their bread rolls. Wait until you see how I make the homemade pasta.” As he gets out his pasta making machine, I need a beer. It's going to be a long night. Now I'm sure the more you do this, the more accurate you get. After patiently watching him portion his dough, I realise that this works if you're only doing 16 bread rolls. As a dinner party trick, watching him portion his dough 2 or 3 times is interesting. But that's 23 minutes of my life I won’t be getting back as he diligently sculpts these 16 works of art/dough portions! He lets the dough rest. When his oven has climbed to the right temperature, he brushes the bread rolls with olive oil, sprinkles them with a splash of Murray River pink salt flakes & a sprig of rosemary. He carefully slides the tray into the glowing oven. Wow, the smell of rosemary combined with that fresh baked bread smell makes my mouth start salivating! I had forgotten the tedious, mundane process to get here. Now I am craving a bread roll. 17 minutes later he proudly pulls out 2 trays of golden orbs. They look magnificent. I must have one of those hot, fresh bread rolls! What a delight it was taking the yummy first bite into those golden brown consistent pillows of bread. So the process of dividing & baking the bread was worth the effort at the dinner party. It took him 23 minutes to knock out these 16 bread rolls. I’m sure with more practice he could probably half this time. It still seems like a lot of effort to get great tasting bread rolls, but it's more of a novelty. It would be hard to scale. Could you imagine doing this day after day trying to bake 20 dozen bread rolls? Even if you're a speed demon, it’s going to take a lot of time to crank out these bread rolls. I'm sure old bakers are shaking their heads, saying "hey mate, we've got this down pat. That’s how we've always done it.” That may be so, but you can now automate this process and pump out consistent bread rolls without all the wasted time & effort. I was impressed by my friend's efforts to get perfect looking bread rolls, but do you really want to spend that much time dividing dough the old-fashioned way?
If you want to get this done faster and with a consistent result, then you need to check out Daub bakery machinery.
They may look like R2D2's cousins, but they sure divide rolls with ease!
Daub Divider Rounders
Daub Divider Rounders are the most advanced machines of their type on the market today. There is a choice of four models and seven dividing discs, allowing a wide range of choices for each baker or bakery shop. The state-of-the-art Daub semi-automatic and automatic machines treat the dough gently. Dough distribution takes place in a smooth movement with powerful rounding motion producing perfect round rolls. The ability to prepare many different products throughout a working day lets you respond quickly to consumer demands. A wide variety of dividing discs enables producing seasonal products easily. All Daub Divider Rounders comes equipped with a unique, easy forward-tilting system that lifts the dividing disc forward whereas many machines have a disc that opens sideways. Heavy cast-iron footing in combination with widely placed wheels and overhang guarantee extreme machine stability even during heavy rounding operation.
DAUB DR2-4/30 Semi-Auto Bun Divider Rounder
Easily interchangeable dividing disc with maximum flexibility for work ranges from 16 to 250 grams. Unique, easy forward-tilting system provides user-friendly, efficient and safe opening for cleaning... Manual dough dividing and powered rounding action with easy and simple weight adjustment... Energy efficient with automatic motor switch only operating when machine is rounding... Extremely stable, even during rounding, because of heavy cast iron foot counter-weight with overhang and widely placed wheels... With cast iron footing on wheels, extra stable and easily movable... Stainless steel dividing knife... Coated, anodised aluminium dividing disc... Stable, smooth and quiet in daily operation... Easy cleaning with minimum maintenance required... Three lightweight synthetic rounding plates included... Power: 0.6 kW, 3-phase, net-weight 340 kg Dimension: 62w x 67d x 146h cm (excl. press bar) Or how about it's big brother: Check out the DAUB DR2-4/30 Semi-Auto Bun Divider Rounder
DAUB DR-ROBOTT2-4/30A Fully Auto Bun Divider Rounder
Powered dough dividing and rounding with user-friendly control panel and simple two-hand operation for extra safety. Programmable pressing and rounding times for higher operator productivity... Regular shaped and consistent dough products as a result of accurate rounding time programming... Divide-only, press-only and cleaning positions... Easily interchangeable dividing disc with maximum flexibility for work ranges from 16 to 250 grams... Unique, easy forward-tilting system provides user-friendly, efficient and safe opening for cleaning... Energy efficient with automatic motor switch only operating when machine is rounding... Extremely stable, even during rounding, because of heavy cast iron foot counter-weight with overhang and widely placed wheels... With cast iron footing on wheels, extra stable and easily movable... Stainless steel dividing knife... Coated anodised aluminium dividing discv Stable, smooth and quiet in daily operation... Easy cleaning with minimum maintenance required... Three lightweight synthetic rounding plates included... Power 1.3 kW, 3-phase, net weight 380 kg Dimensions: 62w x 67d x 170h cm Check out the [DAUB DR-ROBOTT2-4/30A Fully Auto Bun Divider Rounder](/brands/Daub/daub-fully-auto-bun-divider-rounder-dr-robott2-4-30a)
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