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Gen Z Has Distinct Dining Habits

Gen Z Has Distinct Dining Habits

Original story and image on Business Insider

Gen Z Has Distinct Dining Habits

Gen Zers dress, work, and talk differently to other generations.

They even eat differently, too.

Gen Z eats fast food like no other generation. From a love for spicy food to visiting restaurants in big groups, these are 6 traits that define their dining habits.

They love spicy food, tend to dine in big groups, and are pulled in by influencer marketing…

Gen Z Has Distinct Dining Habits

Time To Try The New ‘WFH’: Working From hospo

Original story and image on WA Today

Time To Try The New ‘WFH’: Working From hospo

The increase in hybrid working arrangements post-COVID has given rise to a new meaning for “WFH” – now it’s all about “working from hospo”. Whether it’s cafes, restaurants or hotels, people are increasingly taking their laptops and settling in for a coffee and a meal rather than raiding the snack machine at the office.

Working From hospo

How to Use Your Network to Understand Your Restaurant Better

Original story and image on QSR Magazine

How to Use Your Network to Understand Your Restaurant Better

Understanding customer behavior and traffic patterns in general empower restaurant owners to respond with contextual and time-based offers, menu tweaks, and promotions.

In today's highly competitive restaurant industry, every decision counts when it comes to optimizing the business. The use of technology within a restaurant is often focused around providing solid WiFi and ensuring that point-of-sale (POS) technologies are efficient, with more advanced restaurants incorporating mobile applications, digital signage and even interactive kiosks into their operations.

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Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises Benefit From a Mature Workforce

Original story and image on AUSTRADE

Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises Benefit From a Mature Workforce

Australian businesses who work in the visitor economy have been hard-hit by workforce shortages.

One option for hospitality businesses is to look for skills among an older demographic. Mature-age workers have a valuable contribution to make to tourism businesses, as Nundah Community Enterprises Co-operative (Nundah Co-op) in Queensland knows well.

3-hour shifts for older workers

Hospitality Benefits From a Mature Workforce

Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

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