Food Safety for the Retail Business Sector safety standards
Food safety standards place obligations on Australian food businesses to produce food that is safe and suitable to eat. A food business is any business or activity that involves the handling of any type of food for sale, or the sale of food in Australia.The standards, which also contain health and hygiene obligations for food handlers, aim to lower the incidence of food-borne illness.Food Safety StandardsFood Safety Supervisor Certificates
Food Safety Supervisor
The purpose of a Food Safety Supervisor is to ensure safe food handling and preparation practices are occurring to help prevent foodborne illnesses. All food handlers, including thse without an FSS certificate, must have the skills and knowledge in food safety and hygiene appropriate to their work activities.Appointing an FSS gives food businesses a better level of onsite protection for food safety and gives consumers peace-of-mind when dining out or buying food in NSW.Your Food Safety Supervisor Certificate must be kept on the premises and be available on request.
Temperature Measuring Devices
Business handling potentially hazardous foods must have a temperature measuring device.Thermoters must be easily accessible and be able to accurately measure temperatures to +/-1°C.Thermometers should be calibrated to ensure accuracy.Food Temperature Danger ZonesStore Food at Correct Temperatures
Store Food at Correct Temperatures
Temperature control is very important to prevent harmful bacteria from growing in food. Food businesses shouldminimise the time that food spends in the so-called ‘temperature danger zone’ to keep food safe. This means coldfood should be kept at 5°C or below and hot food should be kept at 60°C or aboveFood that has been in the temperature danger zone for less than 2 hours (including preparation, storage anddisplay) can be returned to the refrigerator to below 5°C, or heated to above 60°C and brought out again at a latertime. However, the total time in the temperature danger zone must not be longer than 4 hours.
Colour Coded Chopping Boards
Using a colour coded chopping board will help prevent cross contamination between food groups which could potentially cause food poisoning in your dining establishment or takeaway.Red - Raw MeatBlue - Raw FishYellow - Cooked MeatBrown - VegetablesGreen - Salads & FruitWhite - Bakery & DairyColour Coded Chopping Boards Hand Washing
Hand Washing
Correctly washing your hands is animportant step you can take tominimise the risk of foodborneillness in your food business. The Food Standards Code requiresfood premises to have complyinghand washing facilities in areaswhere food handlers work if theirhands are likely to be a source ofcontamination of food.
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