Customer Service you or your staff handle a complaint is an opportunity to turn a potential problem into a satisfied and repeat customerEveryone believes that they will be able offer better food and service than their competitors at competitive prices.However this is simply NOT true. You must make it your goal to continually improve on your best in foodpresentation, taste and service. Set standards to work to, and more importantly, make sure your staff have thecorrect training and manner to allow them to share in your goal. If they don’t have skills in this area it is up to youto train them. Remember that they have less to lose than you.Customers should no longer be satisfied with the same level of service that they accepted even just a few shortyears ago. In general people are much more aware these days of their rights and they expect good service.People like doing business where they feel that their custom is appreciated. One of your greatest challenges will bemaking customers feel a warm welcome without being over-imposing.Customers value expert opinion, so make sure all your waiting staff have a clear understanding of the menu andcooking styles on offer.Customers also like to be recognised, greeted warmly and warmly thanked for their trade when they are leaving.Reward your customers and they will reward you. A satisfied customer is your best advertisement and adissatisfied one, your worst nightmare.Your customers know more about your business than you think, all based on their own experience. The ambiencethat you have created, the attitude and knowledge of your staff, the food taste and presentation and the timing of themeal will all play an important role in their decision to return. They will decide for themselves if your cafe /restaurant offers a unique and pleasant experience, or if it wasn’t worth their time and money.Find out what your customers want and give them more of it.
Despite your very best intentions, sometimes things just don’t go as planned. How you or your staff handle thecomplaints is your opportunity to turn a potential problem into a satisfied and repeat customer.Asking the right questions of your customers will reveal how well your business is doing. Service in Australia isnot always what it should be and asking the same questions of your clientele will probably always get you the sameanswers. Researchers know that our speech patterns design questions that illicit from our clients the answers thatwe would most like to hear. By varying your questions regularly you may get a more honest appraisal.Other blog posts in this series are: Finding the Best Location for your Cafe Impressing your Bank or Finance Provider Hospitality Industry Business Plans
Customer service. As it should be
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