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Butchery Equipment is bringing home the bacon


Bringing home the bacon "If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"Pink FloydAnother Brick in the Wall, Part II (1979)Local butcher shops can have a distinct advantage over meat sections in the large grocery stores. And while every shop is unique, generally it is the personal service combined with hand-trimmed meat cut to order, and a butcher who knows what his customers want that makes them special. Almost certainly the local butcher sells a better quality cut of meat because they have the ability to choose their suppliers. Even the simple sausage could well be prize winner quality.

Be a Ham

People are attracted to laughter so don't be afraid to make them laugh. Friendly banter amongst the staff is a big plus. People want to do business with people they like and trust, so clearly, building a relationship with customers is key to gaining their loyalty. Be friendly and greet them by name. Remember their usual orders and preferences. Offer them something special that's just come in that you know they'll appreciate. Get to know their families and ask how they liked the meal made with the last cut of meat they bought. Give them cooking tips and new meal ideas that will make their busy lives easier. SCK has a complete range of butchery equipment to help your butcher shop meet its demand. • Biltong • Mincer Attachments • Mincers • Patty Makers • Schnitzel • Strip Cutter • Tenderiser • Wrappers

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Categories: Butchery Equipment
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