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Boosting your spend per head


Boosting your spend per head: the easy way to make $100k+ per year without needing more guests

Episode 5 in the mentoring series This is a free webinar for all hospitality venue owners

About this Event

You're not in the business of serving food and drink, you're in the business of creating an experience. Topics covered • Learn why your guests aren't actually paying for your food and drink and how to increase the total bill amount without serving any extra plates • Go deep on the 3 direct avenues to increase spend per head and the easy tips to implement immediately • Understand how to train your team to influence interaction, resulting in longer sittings, higher order value and great reviews • Lift your spend per head by $2 within 30 mins of this webinar using what you learn - resulting in 6 figures per year difference to the average hospo business model   When you make friends with your numbers you make friends with the dollars $$$

Where & When

Wednesday 15 September 2021 10AM - 11AM AEST Register here

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