A unique juice extraction system.
https://uploads.prod01.sydney.platformos.com/instances/647/assets/modules/homepage/images/blog/ZUMEXJUICER2.jpg?updated=1739158642Zumex is synonymous with fruit and vegetables juice extraction.They have been an industry leader for over 30 years.Their revolutionary juice extraction system represents a new concept in the hotel and catering sector. Zumex were the first to apply automatic extraction in the professional sector for the making of juices.The Original System is a guarantee of quality, flavour and hygiene. With no contact between the juice and the peel a Zumex is able to prevent the essential oils and acids being transferred to the juice, allowing a high quality juice with all its flavour.
Zumex ASP
The first generation of juicers with anti-bacterial technology.Zumex ASP (Antibacterial Silver Polymer) is a silver ion-based technology that inhibits the growth of bacteria, guaranteeing extra-efficient and long-lasting protection.
Conical System
With the new tapered shape of its pressing units, the fruit enters the juice extraction system smoothly and perfectly centred. An accurate and perfect cut will obtain maximum juice and flavour from each piece.
Zumex allows greater autonomy and convenience
With Zumex Juicers you can offer the best juice with a machine that is top in all cafeterias, self-service shops and hotels with a large demand for juice.
Fast Payback
The Zumex calculator easily allows you to determine when you will have paid off your new juicer investment. Calculations vary depending on the machine you purchase and the number of juices you sell. This example was based on the Zumex Essential Pro with a current sale price of around $6,900* (as at Dec, 2018), with a 250% markup and operating 20 days per month. The new Essential Pro, with exceptionaltechnology, more autonomy and betterprepared to offer the best freshly-squeezedjuice, is a must in all cafeterias, self-servicestores and hotels where there is a large juicedemand.Making your own juice allows for a quick ROI with Zumex
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