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A jar full of delight


A Green focus on preserving food

PureVac's Advanced Control System

The Advanced Control System (ACS) is an optional feature on any PureVac Premier or Ultra Series vacuum sealer unit and is now the most advanced vacuum sealing technology on the market. The Jars function is used to vacuum seal jars or food containers in seconds with only a single push of a button. Place the jars or food containers with loose lid in the vacuum chamber, select the Jars function and close the lid of the machine. With this function, each jar is vacuumed and sealed airtight at a maximum final vacuum of 99.8%. Because the steps of heating the seal bars and the Soft Air function are disabled, the cycle is extra short.


The addition of this feature now allows kitchens with a green focus to preserve food. • No plastic bags • Fast & reliable • Easy to re-use • Protects delicate products  

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