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Crown Commercial Group has no Affiliation says Sydney Commercial Kitchens Business Owner.

Sydney Commercial Kitchens business owner Neil Willis has today announced that there is no affiliation between Sydney Commercial Kitchens and the Crown Commercial Group with the following press release. Sydney Commercial Kitchens wishes to inform all of their loyal customers that there will never be a business affiliation with the Crown Commercial Group or their website www.crowncommercialgroup.com.au. It was recently brought to our attention that throughout the www.crowncommercialgroup.com.au website they are displaying our registered business name ‘Sydney Commercial Kitchens’. This use of our registered business name is contained in the Page Titles, in their Metatags and within the page content of their website. See Below images for examples:******Page Title:********Page Content:********Metatags:**Sydney Commercial Kitchens, Restaurant Interior Design NSW, Commercial Catering Equipment NSW, Catering Equipment Sydney, catering refrigeration equipment, Catering equipment warehouse, Commercial Kitchens Sydney, Sydney Commercial Kitchens, restaurant refrigeration equipment, catering cooking equipment, catering equipment for sale, Catering Equipment Supplier, commercial refrigeration equipment, Commercial Refrigeration, Commercial Refrigerators" /> Additionally, there is an inference within the below metatag that Crown Commercial Group actually supplies equipment to Sydney Commercial Kitchens. Sydney Commercial Kitchens denies this inference and for the record we will NEVER conduct any business with this company. Sydney Commercial Kitchens and Restaurant Refrigeration Equipment to all Commercial Kitchens and Restaurant in Australia.  A marketing expert I spoke with suggested that “perhaps, in lieu of devising their own individual marketing strategy it looked like they were trying to capitalise on the success of the / website and even trading on our good name to their advantage.†We notified them, in part, that we felt that this was perhaps a breach of the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act plus the equivalent state Fair Trading Acts. We asked them to remove from their website and advertising material the use of our business name ‘Sydney Commercial Kitchens’.We duly received a letter from the lawyer representing the Crown Commercial Group, Mr Mark Vincent from Truman Hoyle Lawyers in Pitt St, Sydney that stated, also in part, that “Our client definitively rejects that copyright subsists in the words 'Sydney Commercial Kitchens'.As loyal Sydney Commercial Kitchens customers and as experienced operators of businesses, you can draw your own conclusions. I guess you know how I feel!Fortunately a check of both websites revealed that there is still a price advantage in dealing with Sydney Commercial Kitchens and in some cases a substantial difference. And you will still get our famous service. Sydney Commercial Kitchens saves you money and time!Our promise to you is ‘Sydney Commercial Kitchens will never engage in misleading or deceptive conduct or conduct likely to mislead or deceive you.’Wishing you all a successful year in business and a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.Neil WillisManaging DirectorSydney Commercial Kitchens

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