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9 tips to maximise profits

9 Tips to Help Restaurants Maximize Profits Amid a Perfect Storm

Original story and image on fsrmagazine.com

9 Tips to Help Restaurants Maximize Profits Amid a Perfect Storm

While the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is, hopefully, in the rear view window, restaurants are still experiencing a perfect storm: runaway food and labor costs, an ongoing staffing shortage, continued supply chain disruptions, and increased customer demand.

Considering these simultaneous challenges, how can restaurants learn to do more with what they have?

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Pandemic no bar to craft brewers adapting and tapping into new markets

Original story and image on abc.net.au

Pandemic no bar to craft brewers adapting and tapping into new markets

Social restrictions and closures led to a decline in over-the-bar craft beer sales during the pandemic, but quick thinking and an ever-increasing variety of brews helped the sector continue to thrive.

Hard times forced the industry to change tack, which meant a win for beer connoisseurs as brewers developed new flavours to grab their attention.

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It's black and white, QR doubters: The codes are here to stay

Original story and image on forbes.com

It's black and white, QR doubters: The codes are here to stay

The Covid-19 pandemic spurred many changes in consumer behavior — especially when it comes to how we pay. The shift away from traditional payment methods such as chip/PIN bank cards and cash resulted in the rise of contactless payment solutions via mobile apps or cards.

QR codes have quickly risen in popularity as a payment tool in the US and what we can expect from the re-emerged technology moving forward.

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Webinar to explore post pandemic trends in restaurant health, safety

Original story and image on fastcasual.com

Webinar to explore post pandemic trends in restaurant health, safety

Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the restaurant industry, restaurants are recovering thanks to the hard work, determination and resilience of owners, operators and support staff.

As business has returned, so have the longstanding concerns about the health and safety of guests and staff.

On Thursday, May 10 at 2 p.m. ET, Fast Casual and solution leaders Bluezone by Middleby and Powerhouse Dynamics will explore how restaurants can protect the health and safety while improving overall operations using the latest integrated technologies.

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