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5 Successful Marketing Tips, Tricks & Tools Every Restaurant Needs to Know

So what makes somebody choose a restaurant for their next meal and more importantly, what makes them keep coming back? Cue Steve Harvey, “What is the top answer? …
Good food, convenience, great service, word of mouth …. these are table stakes and something EVERY restaurant, regardless of size, service model or number of units, will tell you they have.
The truth is that all of these are a factor but the way people discover a restaurant is through marketing and advertising.
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Original story and image on totalfood.com

Original story and image on cleanlink.com

6 Tips To Prepare Food Service Areas For Post-Pandemic Challenges

To help restaurants prepare for lifted restrictions and labor shortages, Cintas Corporation offers six essential tips.
As restaurants prepare for a return to ‘normal’ this summer, they are faced with new challenges, such as labor shortages, increased demand and maintaining higher levels of cleanliness.
Top tips to prepare for an increase in patrons include:
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7 Tips for Restaurant Search Marketing

Does your restaurant need a stronger online presence? The following 7 restaurant marketing strategies will help boost your visibility and give your business an edge over your competitors.
1. Cook up a Tasty Website
Your website is your own little slice of online real estate so you should use it as a platform for your online marketing. ‘Decorate’ it with mouth-watering images, compelling quality content, and social proof.
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Original story and image on uplers.com

Original story and image on finedininglovers

8 Essential Tips for Running a Successful Restaurant

Making a success of a restaurant is a momentous task. Getting the food right is essential, but sometimes you walk into a restaurant and everything is perfectly in sync – the service, the atmosphere. There’s just a general vibe, an identity. They’ve figured out exactly how to run a restaurant.
The key to running a "true restaurant" like this, to turning “the house into a home – a building into a restaurant” is staff who ascribe to the operation’s core philosophies and standards. These staff must be treated well and invested in, and there must be consistency across the board.
Here are the top tips for running a successful restaurant if you’re thinking of opening your own restaurant or if you want to push your current operation to the next level.
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